Vzorový chrup

Important nutrition

Xenya has always loved to eat. Ever since we got her, we have been giving her BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Foods) food. Different kinds of raw meat, neighbors’ eggs, cream cheese, vegetables (raw or steamed), quality cold-pressed oils (flax, hemp, pumpkin, olive, sunflower), various nuts and seeds, that we grind in bulk once in a while and store in a big jar in the refrigerator. She also likes fruit – pears, bananas, watermelon, oranges, strawberries, cherries, peaches, and berries. We always try to give her only food that hasn’t been industrially processed.

We buy fresh beef from a verified farm, from which we also buy the meat we eat

It comes from healthy animals, that can move freely on fresh air. She loves chewing big joint bones, from which she has beautiful white teeth. She eats all kinds of bones with meat, except the dangerous ones, we don’t give her those. Raw meat cleans teeth, typical kibble dog food makes them dirty. We only buy other kinds of meat (turkey, duck, goose, pork, lamb, sometimes venison) from Slovak and Czech farms. Xenya doesn’t like rabbit meat at all. We mostly buy fish from a friend, a fisher. We buy salmon and ground cod from the BARF e-shop. She loves natural goat milk. I often add some green stalks to her food, sometimes even steamed nettle from our tea.

Strava BARF
Will you leave me a little?
Test trpezlivosti

The time and money you invest in BARF will return to you in the form of a happy and healthy dog.

Her teeth are beautifully white and without any dental plaque. We don’t brush or clean her teeth, her food does 🙂

Veľmi pozorný strážny pes. Najlepší rodinný priateľ a skvelý horolezec. Šikovný a nežný. Arthemon sa volá Leoš, pretože jeho rodina má rada hudbu Leoša Janáčka. Žije v Nemecku.
Very attentive watchdog. Best family friend and a great mountain climber. Clever and gentle. Arthemon is called Leoš because his family likes music of Leoš Janáček. He lives in Germany.
Vždy pripravený na pomoc hasičom. Nádherný zodpovedný fešák. S ním vždy všetko dobre dopadne. Správny muž.
Athos žije v Hollandsku.
Always equipped to help firefighters. Handsome and responsible boy. Everything will work out with him…
Athos lives in the Netherland.
Úloha splnená! Chrániť dom, starať sa o mačky a dávať lásku úžasnej rodine so 4 deťmi. Superman uprostred čistej prírody.
Aris býva na Slovensku.
Mission possible! Protect the house, care about cats and give love to all family with 4 children. Superman in the middle of pure nature.
Aris lives in Slovakia.
Keď ti je smutno a nie si v pohode, je tu klaun menom Alf, ktorý rozžiari aj to najchladnejšie srdce. Toľko zábavy a lásky je v jeho očiach. 
Alfonz žije v Holandsku.
When you feel sad and not okay, there is a clown called Alf, who will light even the coldest heart. So much love and fun in his eyes.
Alfonz lives in the Netherlands.
 Bláznivá strela s neobmedzenou energiou. Kráska, ktorá si získa vaše srdce navždy. Nekonečná láska…  Alexia žije na Slovensku.
Still crazy kid with unlimited energy. Miss beauty, she can win your heart forever. Endless love… Alexia lives in Slovakia.

2. deň po narodení.

Basty žije šťastne na farme v Rakúsku.
Basty lives happily on a farm in Austria.
Bilbo svojim majestátnym zjavom láme srdcia všetkým…
Bilbo breaks everyone’s hearts with his majestic appearance…
 Bláznivá strela s neobmedzenou energiou. Kráska, ktorá si získa vaše srdce navždy. Nekonečná láska…  Baila.
Still crazy kid with unlimited energy. Miss beauty, she can win your heart forever. Endless love… Baila.