Dlhy banne Baila kopie


  • Slovenský junior šampión
  • Klubový šampión mladých, SKŠSP
  • Slovenský šampión
  • Český šampión
  • Slovenský GRAND šampión
  • 2. miesto, World Dog Show, Zagreb 2024
  • Klubový víťaz mladých 2023, SKŠSP
  • Mladá suka roka 2023, SKŠSP
  • Suka roka 2023, SKŠSP
  • Alpen Winner, Salzburg 2024
  • C.I.B.J. – Medzinárodný junior šampión



Baila has been ours since birth. We knew it right away. She was in our hands from the first minute of her life. Today she is our adult pet. She has 2 mothers and has a fantastic life. It‘s great that she didn‘t have to experience separation from her mother. Still in love, in her „nest“. Everyone loves her. She is incredibly affectionate, she can get under your skin. However, she can be very temperamental, playful, crazy and has endless fitness. Her figure is very slim and muscular at the same time. Her beautiful shiny fur comes from the BARF diet. She can run for hours in the forest, swim, fetch… She chases after a ball like an arrow, jumps as high as if it were made of rubber. Sometimes she forgets that she is an adult (because her mother is always behind her) and behaves like a mischievous child. She plays with small children as if they were her partners. She will endlessly bring you a ball and poke you with her nose so that you don‘t stop throwing it. She and her mother Xena can cooperate in retrieving, when 1 ball is in 2 mouths at the same time. They run backwards with her, like Siamese twins. Life with them is fun, we experience different situations and funny moments. We are glad that there are two of them together. However, Baila can also be jealous of her mother. She has moments when she doesn‘t want to share love with her and especially food. We haven‘t experienced such emotions with Xena. She has the calmness of an English gentleman. She is a mother after all. Patient. Truly, every dog has its own original character, just like us humans.

As for dog shows, Baila has been to more than Xena at her age. She has successfully completed many international dog shows in several countries, including Slovakia: the Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary and the World Dog Show in Croatia – Zagreb, where she won 2nd place in the open class. Baila is appreciated by the judges for her excellent physical condition and harmonious body structure. Her greatest achievement so far is the title C.I.B.J. – International Junior Champion. At the same time, she has met all the conditions for obtaining the title C.I.B. – International Champion. We are waiting for the issuance of the diploma.

Šampiónka Xena - Appenzeller plemeno ocenenie


  • Junior CHampion of Slovakia
  • Club Junior Champion
  • Champion of Slovakia
  • Champion of Czechia
  • Champion of Hungary
  • Grand Champion
  • Top Appenzeller Junior female 2018 – SKSSP
  • Top Appenzeller female 2018 – SKSSP
  • 6 x CAJC, 15 x CAC, 10 x CACIB, 2 x BOS, 11 x BOB
  • Junior Winner of Slovakia 2018
  • Club Junior Winner, SKŠSP 2018
  • European Dog Show, Wels – 3. place
  • Winner of Slovakia 2019
  • Alpen Winner, Salzburg 2019
  •  C.I.B. – Interchampion



spod Hrádze

Xena has a very stable and easygoing nature, she is an unusually calm applique. She loves all members of the house, our cats and small children in the family. Compared to Baila, she is much less temperamental. Xena‘s body structure is more massive than average. She has a well-built, solid skeleton and a very nice wide head.
When we started planning to get a dog, we did not expect we would go to dog exhibitions. We wanted a dog just for the joy. Our breeder told us right away, that we should attend at least 2 exhibitions, since we have a dog with a pedigree. I thought of it as an unnecessary complication. I went to the first exhibition reluctantly. I did not know what it entailed and what we were in for. However, Xena won the 1st place at the very first exhibition. So, we tried the other exhibition as well and the success repeated. Her beauty was appreciated not only at home but also abroad. She was very successful everywhere and behaved like a diplomat at exhibitions. This is how it all began. 

Xena successfully participated at many exhibitions, where we experienced various positive moments and made many new friends. Thanks to her, we have visited many new places and been on various trips. We’ve attended exhibitions in Slovakia (including club exhibits), Czech Republic (Prague, Brno), Austria (Salzburg, Wels – European Exhibition) and Hungary (Budapest, Komarom). The result of her achievements is the title of C.I.B. – International Champion of Beauty. 


Gigi maminka Xenina 2
Lexus tato Xenin

Xena zdedila krásu a šikovnosť po svojich rodičoch. Jej otec Lexus je najviac ocenený pes appenzeller na Slovensku. Je mimoriadne učenlivý. Po hnedej matke Gigi zdedila okrem krásy aj svoju srdečnosť, dobrotu a schopnosť stále sa tešiť. Po hnedej matke Gigi zdedila okrem krásy aj svoju srdečnosť, dobrotu a schopnosť stále sa tešiť.

Veľmi pozorný strážny pes. Najlepší rodinný priateľ a skvelý horolezec. Šikovný a nežný. Arthemon sa volá Leoš, pretože jeho rodina má rada hudbu Leoša Janáčka. Žije v Nemecku.
Very attentive watchdog. Best family friend and a great mountain climber. Clever and gentle. Arthemon is called Leoš because his family likes music of Leoš Janáček. He lives in Germany.
Vždy pripravený na pomoc hasičom. Nádherný zodpovedný fešák. S ním vždy všetko dobre dopadne. Správny muž.
Athos žije v Hollandsku.
Always equipped to help firefighters. Handsome and responsible boy. Everything will work out with him…
Athos lives in the Netherland.
Úloha splnená! Chrániť dom, starať sa o mačky a dávať lásku úžasnej rodine so 4 deťmi. Superman uprostred čistej prírody.
Aris býva na Slovensku.
Mission possible! Protect the house, care about cats and give love to all family with 4 children. Superman in the middle of pure nature.
Aris lives in Slovakia.
Keď ti je smutno a nie si v pohode, je tu klaun menom Alf, ktorý rozžiari aj to najchladnejšie srdce. Toľko zábavy a lásky je v jeho očiach. 
Alfonz žije v Holandsku.
When you feel sad and not okay, there is a clown called Alf, who will light even the coldest heart. So much love and fun in his eyes.
Alfonz lives in the Netherlands.
 Bláznivá strela s neobmedzenou energiou. Kráska, ktorá si získa vaše srdce navždy. Nekonečná láska…  Alexia žije na Slovensku.
Still crazy kid with unlimited energy. Miss beauty, she can win your heart forever. Endless love… Alexia lives in Slovakia.

2. deň po narodení.

Basty žije šťastne na farme v Rakúsku.
Basty lives happily on a farm in Austria.
Bilbo svojim majestátnym zjavom láme srdcia všetkým…
Bilbo breaks everyone’s hearts with his majestic appearance…
 Bláznivá strela s neobmedzenou energiou. Kráska, ktorá si získa vaše srdce navždy. Nekonečná láska…  Baila.
Still crazy kid with unlimited energy. Miss beauty, she can win your heart forever. Endless love… Baila.