Appenzeller Sennenhund overview

The very first, original swiss Sennenhund breed. Its origin descends from dogs from the ancient Roman legions and its tail curled over the back is linked to Appenzeller’s ancestry, specifically its Asian branch – Tibetan Mastiff. The intentional breeding of the Appenzeller breed started in the late 19th century and its original land was the Appenzell canton in Switzerland.

appenzeller v prirodzenom prostredí

Appenzeller Sennenhund is a medium-sized, versatile, and a very vigorous dog. Dynamic, active, and prudent in its nature. Its personality predisposes it to wide use and training, be it as a family dog, a guard dog, a shepherd dog, or a rescue dog. Appenzeller dogs love water and are great swimmers. Their devotion and bond to family members is tremendous. They are also suitable for families with smaller children, because they get along really well with them. Their guarding abilities, embedded in their genes from the past, are priceless. The Appenzeller will fearlessly defend its territory, property, and family, including other pets. That’s why it’s extremely suitable for guarding the house. These dogs cannot be bribed, they are very alert, vigilant even, and they will start barking at every suspicion. They don’t trust strangers but aren’t aggressive towards them unprecedented.

Their natural intelligence and tireless willingness to cooperate make them very teachable. They love movement, activities such as dogdancing, flyball, agility, and various games. They are able to learn a lot with quality training. The Appenzeller loves long walks and needs physical activity, it rarely gets tired. It’s not suitable for people, who will not have the time required for training. Although a house with a garden is ideal, an Appenzeller can live in a flat or an apartment, but only with an owner, who has enough time for walks.

The Appenzeller is a bot willful and headstrong. It often acts on its own, but that can be suppressed with thorough training. It is absolutely needed to give this breed enough attention and training, otherwise the dog might redirect its energy towards inappropriate behavior. Its huge potential and unique abilities need to be supported and developed – the dog cannot be left without any training at all. You also shouldn’t underestimate the dog’s social life from early age. Appenzellers need to come into contact with people often, because otherwise they will become distrustful when they get older, especially with strangers. The more the dog experiences at a young age, the simpler things will be for you in the future.

appenzeller v prirodzenom prostredí
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Appenzeller’s active guarding abilities are expressed by powerful barking. You have to keep this under control with the right training and by lovingly giving the dog enough of your time. Give the dog something to do, keep him busy, there will be a lot of barking otherwise. Appenzellers tend to be dominant, especially amongst other dogs. It is a breed not very suitable for an unexperienced owner. In most cases, the dog will only submit to a person who has clear authority. The time needed for handling the right training is balanced by the time required to take care of the dog’s appearance, which is absolutely minimal. Appenzeller’s dense, low-maintenance coat allows the dog to stay outdoors all year round, even in cold weather. However, the dog shouldn’t stay in a yard or a garden all year alone. The dog needs to be in close contact with his family. This kind of dog doesn’t wander or run away and doesn’t have strong hunting inclinations. He prefers to stick with his family, which he loves above all. This dog is 100% devoted to all of the family’s members. Ideal for guarding and living in the countryside. An Appenzeller usually lives to a relatively old age (12-14 years) and doesn’t have any hereditary diseases (except dysplasia, which is common to all large dog breeds).

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