Baila oznamko NARODENE

On January 3, 2025, just after midnight, our Baile gave birth to her first litter of puppies. Seven male puppies and one female puppy were born. All are healthy and have already been checked by the vet. The father is Balou von der Kandermatt, a dog originally from Switzerland, living with breeder Mrs. Monika Grzesiak in Poland. He has a cheerful and friendly nature, is energetic, and in excellent physical condition. He has an excellent pedigree and many awards, including International Champion.

We are accepting reservations for the puppies.


Litter C (2023)

Two weeks old

Six weeks old

Eight weeks old

Ten weeks old

All puppies from litter C are already in their new homes

Litter B (2022)




Litter A (2020)

May 8, 2020 we had 5 beautiful puppies. The father is a proud brown appenzeller from the Balihara Ranch kennel called Splendid three color Benelux, he is simply called Boris.


XENYA spod Hrádze

Junior CHampion of Slovakia
Club Junior Champion
Champion of Slovakia
Champion of Czechia
Champion of Hungary
Grand Champion
Junior Winner of Slovakia 2018
Junior Club Winner 2018, SKŠSP
Top Appenzeller Junior Female 2018, SKŠSP
Top Appenzeller Female 2018, SKŠSP
European Dog Show 2019, Wels – 3. place
Winner of Slovakia 2019
Alpen Winner, Salzburg 2019



Splendid three color Benelux

Junior Champion of Hunagry
Junior CHampion of Slovakia
Club Junior Champion
Champion of Slovakia
Championof Hungary
Show Champion
Grand Champion
Junior Club Winner
Top Appenzeller Junior male – SKSSP
Top Appenzeller male 2016, 2017 – SKSSP






Xenya was a caring mother for three months

2. deň po narodení.

2. deň po narodení.

2. deň po narodení.

2. deň po narodení.

2. deň po narodení.

2. deň po narodení.

2. deň po narodení.

2. deň po narodení.

 Bláznivá strela s neobmedzenou energiou. Kráska, ktorá si získa vaše srdce navždy. Nekonečná láska…  Baila.
Still crazy kid with unlimited energy. Miss beauty, she can win your heart forever. Endless love… Baila.
Bilbo svojim majestátnym zjavom láme srdcia všetkým…
Bilbo breaks everyone’s hearts with his majestic appearance…
Basty žije šťastne na farme v Rakúsku.
Basty lives happily on a farm in Austria.
 Bláznivá strela s neobmedzenou energiou. Kráska, ktorá si získa vaše srdce navždy. Nekonečná láska…  Alexia žije na Slovensku.
Still crazy kid with unlimited energy. Miss beauty, she can win your heart forever. Endless love… Alexia lives in Slovakia.
Keď ti je smutno a nie si v pohode, je tu klaun menom Alf, ktorý rozžiari aj to najchladnejšie srdce. Toľko zábavy a lásky je v jeho očiach. 
Alfonz žije v Holandsku.
When you feel sad and not okay, there is a clown called Alf, who will light even the coldest heart. So much love and fun in his eyes.
Alfonz lives in the Netherlands.
Úloha splnená! Chrániť dom, starať sa o mačky a dávať lásku úžasnej rodine so 4 deťmi. Superman uprostred čistej prírody.
Aris býva na Slovensku.
Mission possible! Protect the house, care about cats and give love to all family with 4 children. Superman in the middle of pure nature.
Aris lives in Slovakia.
Vždy pripravený na pomoc hasičom. Nádherný zodpovedný fešák. S ním vždy všetko dobre dopadne. Správny muž.
Athos žije v Hollandsku.
Always equipped to help firefighters. Handsome and responsible boy. Everything will work out with him…
Athos lives in the Netherland.
Veľmi pozorný strážny pes. Najlepší rodinný priateľ a skvelý horolezec. Šikovný a nežný. Arthemon sa volá Leoš, pretože jeho rodina má rada hudbu Leoša Janáčka. Žije v Nemecku.
Very attentive watchdog. Best family friend and a great mountain climber. Clever and gentle. Arthemon is called Leoš because his family likes music of Leoš Janáček. He lives in Germany.